Juha od svježeg graha i slanutka

Grah i slanutak dan ranije ostavite u vodi da se odmoči.

Mrkvu, luk i celer očistite, operite i narežite na tanje ploške.

Hladnu vodu začinite sa soli, paprom i mažuranom pa dodajte povrće, slanutak i grah te kuhajte oko 1h (gotovo je dok grah postane mekan).

Sve zajedno izmiksamo u mikseru te dodamo još začina po želji te na sitne kockice nasjeckamo sušenih kobasica.

Za dekoraciju možemo na tanke kolutiće izrezati luk te popržiti kratko na vrelom

maslinovom ulju!

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Burza Hrane


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Inhibition of c Myc Overcomes Cytotoxic Drug Resistance in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells by Promoting Differentiation tamoxifen side effects in men Similarly in the Arimidex, Tamoxifen Alone or in Combination ATAC trial, the appearance of new vasomotor symptoms or joint symptoms in response to estrogen depletion was associated with lower subsequent recurrence compared to women who not report these symptoms 3

fieddenty 21.03.2023 20:06

Instead, I changed clinics the next month to a doctor who gave me lower drug doses and I had a much better response we retrieved 6 eggs from that mini- stim cycle tadalista vs cialis Indian J Exp Biol 2000; 38 8 777 780

attabow 08.06.2024 15:46

Carstens 10, D priligy otc

inadire 28.08.2024 20:18


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